subota, 15. svibnja 2010.

Hugh E. M. Stutfield - Priestcraft A Study in Unnecessary Fictions

THE main thesis of the author's previous work is
sufficiently indicated by its title. Written like the
present book from a purely unsectarian standpoint,
it describes the Roman Church as a disintegrating
force in public and private life, a sower of disunion
in the home, the community, and international
affairs ; and in the concluding chapters attention
was called to the pernicious teaching of the Church's
official mouthpieces in the sphere of ethics. Much
has happened in the short interval which has elapsed
since The Roman Mischief-Maker was published,
and the course of events has only served to establish
the conclusions at which the writer arrived. The
book was naturally subjected to a searching fire of
hostile criticism.

280 Pages

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