subota, 15. svibnja 2010.

John Shertzer Hittell - The Evidences Against Christianity Vol 2

John Shertzer Hittell was born December 25, 1825 in Jonestown, Pennsylvania. His family moved to in Hamilton, Ohio in 1832. He graduated from Miami University in 1843, then studied law, but never completed his studies. He went to California in 1849 and worked as a miner in Shasta County. In 1853, Hittell moved to San Francisco and became the editor writer of the San Francisco Daily Alta California newspaper. John eventually wrote several books on California and religion. His most popular book at the time was The Resources of California (1879), where he eulogized California for its rich natural resources. He never married. John was an active member of the Society of California Pioneers.
336 Pages


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