The reasons behind printing this Anthology are difficult to convey
to the Reader. I would hope that I’m not doing this work out of
pride, one-up-manship, or to prove a point; but the mind can often
rationalize the secrets of the heart. Most readers will assume that this Anthology is being printed as a precise manual to preserve our rituals in their purest official forms; essentially to produce orthodox texts. Nope. Except for the occasional historian, like me (Michael Scharding), a Reformed Druid tends to see little value in the age of our religious texts. A religion that mandates only one interpretation of a text, or that even only one text be used, has already taken a wrong turn and has reduced the usefulness of its teachings to the value, of, oh.... dung. (No offense.) A piece of dung more than 40 years old is not much more valuable that a piece of dung from 20 years ago. They both smell about the same and make equally usefull fertilizer, but they are not as tasty as the original apple. This text may last two hundred years, but I doubt that there will be anyone around at that point who still goes by the label of “Reformed Druid.” It is possible that the spirit of Reformed Druidism may still continue on, unlabeled, in the hearts of people who have interacted with Reformed Druids. Long after the trappings have passed away, the message of Reformed Druidism will be alive in our lifestyles. Preserving our oldest texts in an uncorrupted form is certainly not the purpose of this Anthology.
482 Pages
nedjelja, 30. svibnja 2010.
Nik Douglas, Meryl White - Karmapa: The Black Hat Lama of Tibet
Karmapa, the black hat hierarch of Tibet, has been honoured as a living buddha in his 16 successive incarnations. The Karmapa life stories tell of the spread of mystic spirituality in the regions of Tibet, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim and also incorporate the ancient transmission from India. The life stories of the Karmapas are being told here for the first time in English and cover 800 years. The Karmapa lamas established monasteries in Tibet and other countries, and they were famous as artists and sculptors, whose unique style known as Karma-Khadri, is the most highly considered art school in Tibet. The 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje has written an introductory message expressing the hope that people of all nations will read the book.
221 Pages
221 Pages
Osborne Phillips, Melita Denning - Planetary Magick: The Heart of Western Magick
The first part of this book is an excelent resource for all kinds of magicians and wiccans, and shows more planetary correspondences than any book I know, providing hebrew, latin and greek (neoplatonist) names, as well as color, sound and aromatic correspondences, and a good section on mythological correspondences from the Persian, Roman, Egytpian, Greek and several other pantheons. Nontheless, the ritual part proposes a whole new -and complete- different system of(ceremonial)magic which is more recent than the classical wiccan or Golden Dawn systems, and therefore has a weaker Egregora built on the Astral. A great undertaking, if you want to experiment a totally new system, and a good buy if you want to have a dictionary of planetary correspondences.
400 Pages
400 Pages
Melita Denning, Osborne Phillips - Entrance To The Magical Qabalah
Denning and Phillips have done a wonderful job of going deeper into the literature of the Qabalah than most of the other books I have read so far. They quote from the Zohar much more than Dion Fortune's (The Mystical Qabalah) or Gareth Knight's (Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism) books, which I read first. They go beyond the basic Sephirotic attributes that a beginner should know, and show the student how to pay attention to both the practical applications of this knowledge and the spiritual connections of the Creation process. This book is a must for the collection of any student of magick.
171 Pages
171 Pages
A.pril D. De Conick - Seek to See Him: Ascent and Vision Mysticism in the Gospel of Thomas

226 Pages
Nicholas de Vere - The Dragon Legacy: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline
Are the Dragon Kings of ancient times the gods of our mythologies? This book outlines in detail the ancient dragon bloodline - where it came from and what it really means. Were those who carried this bloodline blessed with great powers? What influence did they have on the ancient world? De Vere reveals the beginnings of the Grail bloodline in an antediluvian civilization with a super-human, red-haired race of Grail Kings that conquered and ruled over the primitive hordes of the ancient world. They created all of the traditions, customs and institutions upon which civilization depends. The author, de Vere, takes the next step in the popular ongoing research devoted to ancient bloodlines, the Grail and the true meanings of mythology. This extremely well-researched book unveils many mysteries of the past, including who the elves, fairies and vampires really were, why blood itself was so important to this bloodline, what kind of magic once existed, and how it was ultimately lost.
439 Pages
439 Pages
L. W. de Laurence - Raphael's Ancient Manuscript of Talismanic Magic
1916. Containing nearly 100 rare talismanic diagrams, seals of spirits, charms, magical squares, and pentacles for orations and invocation of elementary spirits, and the magical ritual of their conjuration, explaining their influence and hidden powers. Hand written in manuscript form.
120 Pages
120 Pages
Peter De Abano - Heptameron
In the former book, which is the fourth book of Agrippa, it is sufficiently spoken concerning Magical Ceremonies, and Initiations.
But because he seemeth to have written to the learned, and well experienced in this art; because he doth not specially treat of the Ceremonies, but rather speaketh of them in general, it was therefore thought good to adde hereunto the Magical Elements of Peter de
Abano: that those who are hitherto ignorant, and have not tasted of Magical Superstitions, may have them in readiness, how they may exercise themselves therein. For we see in this book, as it were a certain introduction of Magical vanity; and, as if they were in present exercise, they may behold the distinct functions of spirits, how they may be drawn to discourse and communication; what is to be done every day, and every hour; and how they shall be read, as if they were described sillable by sillable. In brief, in this book are kept the principles of Magical conveyances. But because the greatest power is attributed to the Circles; (For they are certain fortresses to defend the operators safe from the evil Spirits;) In the first place we will treat concerning the composition of a Circle.
23 Pages
But because he seemeth to have written to the learned, and well experienced in this art; because he doth not specially treat of the Ceremonies, but rather speaketh of them in general, it was therefore thought good to adde hereunto the Magical Elements of Peter de
Abano: that those who are hitherto ignorant, and have not tasted of Magical Superstitions, may have them in readiness, how they may exercise themselves therein. For we see in this book, as it were a certain introduction of Magical vanity; and, as if they were in present exercise, they may behold the distinct functions of spirits, how they may be drawn to discourse and communication; what is to be done every day, and every hour; and how they shall be read, as if they were described sillable by sillable. In brief, in this book are kept the principles of Magical conveyances. But because the greatest power is attributed to the Circles; (For they are certain fortresses to defend the operators safe from the evil Spirits;) In the first place we will treat concerning the composition of a Circle.
23 Pages
David-Neel, Alexandra - With Mystics & Magicians in Tibet
For many Westerners Tibet is wrapped in an atmosphere of mystery. The "Land of Snows" is for them the country of the unknown, the fantastic and the impossible. What superhuman powers have not been ascribed to the various kinds of lames, magicians, sorcerers, necromancers and practitioners of the occult who inhabit those high tablelands, and whom both nature and their own deliberate purpose have so splendidly isolated from the rest of the world? And how readily are the strangest legends about them accepted as indisputable truths! In that country plants, animals and human beings seem to divert to their own purposes the best established laws of physics chemistry, physiology and even plain common sense.
228 Pages
228 Pages
petak, 28. svibnja 2010.
Steven Crowell, Jeff Malpas - Transcendental Heidegger

321 Pages
Suzanne J. Crawford O'Brien, Dennis Francis Kelley - American Indian Religious Traditions

1340 Pages
John Cornwell - Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII

441 Pages
Wade Coleman - Sepher Sapphires: A Treatise on Gematria - 'The Magical Language' - Volume 2 part 2
An advanced reference book of Kabbalistic Gematria, listing Hebrew numerological and mystical meanings for every number from 1 to 1,000. A "must have" reference book for every serious student of the Western Mystery Tradition.
95 Pages
95 Pages
Wade Coleman - Sepher Sapphires: A Treatise on Gematria - 'The Magical Language' - Volume 2 part 1
An advanced reference book of Kabbalistic Gematria, listing Hebrew numerological and mystical meanings for every number from 1 to 1,000. A "must have" reference book for every serious student of the Western Mystery Tradition.
265 Pages
265 Pages
Wade Coleman - Sepher Sapphires: A Treatise on Gematria - 'The Magical Language' - Volume 1
Gematria, the Qabalistic numerology of Hebrew letters, is the life-blood of the Western Mystery Tradition. It is a system for investigating Hebrew words and names and learning their "secret sense" by examining the numerical value of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet which Israel Regardie called "the Alphabet of the Angels." This system relies on the fact that Hebrew is a.n alphabet in which letters stand for numbers, for there are no separate symbols for numbers. Words which have the same numerical value are often thought to have a significant relationship. The ancient Hebrews devised several methods of using these letter-values to encode layers of special meaning into their sacred texts and mystical teachings. Thus the "Literal Qabalah,"' which specialized in using these techniques to interpret Hebrew Scriptures, came into being. In addition to straightforward gematria, the Literal Qabalah includes the more complex techniques of notariqon (creating and unraveling acronyms) and temurah (transposing letters in a manner similar to cryptography) to ascribe and uncover the hidden import of words. Consequently the Literal Qabalah is the perfect complement to the so-called "Unwritten Qabalah," which deals with the study of the symbol known as the Tree of Life.
413 Pages
413 Pages
Lyam Thomas Christopher - Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course

Based on Kabbalistic techniques, the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and an Hermetic tradition spanning nearly two thousand years, this innovative new work introduces the history of the Golden Dawn and its mythology, the Tree of Life, Deities, demons, rules for practicing magic, and components of effective ritual.
A comprehensive course of self-initiation using Israel Regardie's seminal Golden Dawn as a key reference point, Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation guides you through the levels of the Golden Dawn system of ritual magic. Each grade in this system corresponds with a sphere in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and includes daily rituals, required reading, written assignments, projects, and additional exercises.
372 Pages
Paul Foster Case - The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order 4th ed

339 Pages
Paul Foster Case - Hermetic Alchemy: Science and Practice - The Golden Dawn Alchemy Series 2
It is with great pleasure that we introduce "Hermetic Alchemy : Science and Practice" by Paul Foster Case, the second volume of the Rosicrucian Order of the Golden Dawn's 'Golden Dawn Alchemy Series', a collection of distinguished books on Alchemy written by leaders of the Golden Dawn Tradition. This book will be of great value to those who have not had the opportunity to pursue the B.O.T.A. lesson coursework through the 'Great Work' course but would like to study Alchemy from one of the greatest leaders of the Golden Dawn in the 20th century; those who have already progressed to Paul Case's 'Great Work' course will find this current volume of interest in tracing the evolution of his thought and assisting them in understanding some of the more cryptic passages. This book includes the advanced material of the Alchemical Process and the Twelve Stages of the Great Work which has not been publicly available for over 75 years. Enjoy!
311 Pages
311 Pages
Giovanni Casadio - Mystic Cults in Magna Graecia
The definition of “Magna Graecia” has varied from the time the Greeks
first settled the coastal regions of Italy—sometimes including the area
from Campania to Sicily, at other times excluding significant portions of
this territory.1 But this area has always been home to the mystic cults and traditions that preceded and accompanied Christianity, including the Sibyl of Cumae, the worship of Demeter and Persephone (her abduction took place in Sicily), Dionysian and Orphic cults, and other cults such as those of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras. In June 2002 a symposium sponsored by the Vergilian Society and Brandeis University was held at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma, Italy, on the topic, “The Cults of Magna Graecia.” The purpose of this symposium was to examine the evidence in the material remains and surviving literature related to cults of Greek, Oriental, and Egyptian origin in southern Italy and the religious perceptions of these practices in Rome. The phrase Fortunatae gentes, from Vergil’s Aeneid (11.252), implies that those who have been initiated into the mystery cults enjoy a blessed (fortunatus) situation both in life and after death—a basic belief in the mystery cults that was later adopted by Christianity.
391 Pages
first settled the coastal regions of Italy—sometimes including the area
from Campania to Sicily, at other times excluding significant portions of
this territory.1 But this area has always been home to the mystic cults and traditions that preceded and accompanied Christianity, including the Sibyl of Cumae, the worship of Demeter and Persephone (her abduction took place in Sicily), Dionysian and Orphic cults, and other cults such as those of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras. In June 2002 a symposium sponsored by the Vergilian Society and Brandeis University was held at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma, Italy, on the topic, “The Cults of Magna Graecia.” The purpose of this symposium was to examine the evidence in the material remains and surviving literature related to cults of Greek, Oriental, and Egyptian origin in southern Italy and the religious perceptions of these practices in Rome. The phrase Fortunatae gentes, from Vergil’s Aeneid (11.252), implies that those who have been initiated into the mystery cults enjoy a blessed (fortunatus) situation both in life and after death—a basic belief in the mystery cults that was later adopted by Christianity.
391 Pages
Stephen C. Carlson - The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith's Invention of Secret Mark

174 Pages
Todd Caldecott CIH AHG - Ayurveda: The Divine Science of Life

359 Pages
Brill's New Pauly , Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World, Classical Tradition I: A-Del
BRILL’S NEW PAULY is the English edition of the authoritative DER NEUE PAULY, published by Verlag J.B. Metzler since 1996. The encyclopaedic coverage and high academic standard of the work, the interdisciplinary and contemporary approach and clear and accessible presentation have made the NEW PAULY the unrivalled modern reference work for the ancient world.
BRILL’S NEW PAULY presents the current state of traditional and new areas of research and brings together specialist knowledge from leading scholars from all over the world. Many entries are elucidated with maps and illustrations and the English edition will include updated bibliographic references.
638 Pages
BRILL’S NEW PAULY presents the current state of traditional and new areas of research and brings together specialist knowledge from leading scholars from all over the world. Many entries are elucidated with maps and illustrations and the English edition will include updated bibliographic references.
638 Pages
Boulton, Samuel - Medicina Magica Tamen Physica 1656
Medicina magica tamen physica: magical, but natural physick; or, A methodical tractate of diastatical physick. Containing the general cures of all infirmities ... and that by way of transplantation. With a description of a most excellent cordial out of gold
195 Pages
195 Pages
Henrik Bogdan - Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation
For more than three hundred years the practice of Masonic rituals of initiation has been part of Western culture, spreading far beyond the boundaries of traditional Freemasonry. Henrik Bogdan explores the historical development of these rituals and their relationship with Western esotericism. Beginning with the Craft degrees of Freemasonry--the blueprints, as it were, of all later Masonic rituals of initiation--Bogdan examines the development of the Masonic High Degrees, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn--the most influential of all nineteenth-century occultist initiatory societies--and Gerald Gardner's Witchcraft movement of the 1950s, one of the first large-scale Western esoteric New Religions Movements.
248 Pages
248 Pages
četvrtak, 27. svibnja 2010.
Pseudo Asaph Berechiah - Grand Key of Solomon the King: Ancient Handbook of Angel Magic and Djinn Summoning

210 Pages
Robert Allen Bartlett - The Way of the Crucible

330 Pages
Karen Armstrong - A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

219 Pages
Aquino, M. A. - Temple of Set (6th Draft)
In The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904) L. Frank Baum had his imperiled hero Tip (the future Princess Ozma) tie together two sofas, palm branches, and the stuffed head of a gump (in Oz an elk-like creature) with rope and clothesline, sprinkle it with magic powder to bring it to life, and then use it to fly away to safety.1 Nevertheless, as evident from the improvised haste of its assembly, the gump was sorely wanting in ærodynamics, and only barely brought its passengers to a landing before falling apart. Tip granted its wish to be disassembled, though the stuffed head remained alive and continued to startle bypassers with comments throughout, presumably, the rest of the thirteen original Oz books. The Church of Satan, founded in 1966, was a bit like Baum’s gump. It was also thrown together in improvised haste from a variety of vaguely- or un-related concepts and then used to transport its riders on an unpredictably soaring, plunging, and haphazard journey throughout the next nine years until its own catastrophic crash in 1975. Like the gump, it did complete the journey; also like the gump, it is something of an amazement that it got off the ground at all, much less flew as long and as far as it did.2 The story of this “long, strange trip” is told in The Church of Satan, my companion history to The Temple of Set.
I make this point because the Temple of Set, when it was founded in 1975, was an entirely different phenomenon. Organizationally it had the benefit of the entire experience of the Church of Satan upon which to draw: to improve in part, to discard in part, and of course to disregard when building anew. Even more crucially the Temple had from its inception a crystal-clear definition and understanding of its metaphysical authenticity and license. Its evolution over the next quarter-century would see refinements in the organization and increasing exploration and enhancement of the philosophy, but the original bases of both would never change. The differences between the two organizations will also be mirrored in the contrast between The Church of Satan and The Temple of Set. The former is a roller-coaster ride of alternately serious, philosophical, humorous, tragic, ironic, heroic, embarrassing, frightening, and startling personalities, concepts, and events. “If I hadn’t lived through it myself,” more than one old Satanist has remarked to me upon reading The Church of Satan, “I would have found it almost too bizarre to believe.” The Temple of Set will not be such a rollicking reading experience, though I daresay it will be a substantially more searching and informative one. Its purpose is first to explain what the Temple is and how it came into being, then to show how its many Initiates have all contributed to the strengthening and refinement of that vision over subsequent years.
Certainly it has not all been a smooth, steady, unified climb to the stars. Both senior and junior Setians have had their flaws and failings as well as their talents and strengths, and as a consequence the Temple has had its share of failures along with its successes. But without exception each difficulty has been honestly confronted as a learning experience; the result has consequently been an institution that much more substantial and resilient. An additional distinction between the two books is that while the former can indeed claim to embrace the entire history of the Church of Satan, this book could never hope to fulfill a similar goal with regard to the Temple of Set. The Church of Satan was a fairly simple, linear story, to which a relatively small number of individuals made specialized contributions over a brief period of time. The Temple of Set may be more likened to an explosion within the heads of a great many individuals of rich and diverse backgrounds, yielding a mix of ideas that would constantly be shared, reconsidered, and compounded. The extent of this corpus of knowledge is already staggering, and of course still continues its exponential growth throughout a variety of communications and records systems. Among these are the Jeweled Tablets of Set standing reference volumes; the archives and continuing issues of the Scroll of Set newsletter; the Temple’s Internet public website and private “Intranet”; the documents and periodicals of the Temple’s many Orders, Elements, and Pylons; Temple and specialized reading lists, international regional local conclave events, and the overwhelming amount of personal and interpersonal workings and dialogues involving individual Setians. When I undertook to write this Temple of Set, therefore, I knew immediately that its focus would need to be more a personal perspective, more an overview of what during the adventure of the Temple to date has seemed to me to be particularly notable: not just because of drama or colorfulness, but because it played some necessary or significant part in the unfolding of the adventure. It will, I think, also be my initiatory testament. As a comprehensive history, The Church of Satan can be read by anyone - Setian, Satanist, or profane - and be expected to reasonably communicate its story in proportion to the intelligence of each such reader. The Temple of Set presents a somewhat different problem. While I intend that this book be as direct and unambiguous as possible, Setian philosophy requires “initiatory consciousness” - not only an interest in the subject matter but both the intellectual and metaphysical capacity to comprehend it in its ultimate sense. Within the Temple, persons possessing such capacity are referred to as “Elect” and are deemed to have potential for
initiation. Those lacking it, best intentions notwithstanding, would find the initiatory experience bewildering, frustrating, and meaningless. Accordingly the Temple endeavors to not admit them, or to disaffiliate them as soon as possible if accidentally admitted. It is much the same with this book. There are aspects of it that may either enter your mind like flame or just leave you confused and annoyed. My pleasure in the former case;
my apologies in the latter. [Non]finally, The Temple of Set, like The Church of Satan for many years/editions, will be a “living book”, subject to any number of changes, additions, corrections, and updates as various knowledgeable readers comment upon it and/or I refine my own information and opinions. Check “” occasionally for updated drafts/editions. The Church of Satan was not made available as a printed/.pdf ebook until it was a completed project [which took several years]. I have decided to handle The Temple of Set a bit differently. It will be uploaded to my webpage in .pdf format in successive piecemeal drafts until the whole thing is finally there. Along the way I will probably be updating, correcting, and revising earlier parts as appropriate. Accordingly I welcome readers’ questions, suggestions, and comments - though I must plead in advance that I may not be able to answer each personally. I can promise that each will be carefully read, and if appropriate used to improve the next update
394 Pages
I make this point because the Temple of Set, when it was founded in 1975, was an entirely different phenomenon. Organizationally it had the benefit of the entire experience of the Church of Satan upon which to draw: to improve in part, to discard in part, and of course to disregard when building anew. Even more crucially the Temple had from its inception a crystal-clear definition and understanding of its metaphysical authenticity and license. Its evolution over the next quarter-century would see refinements in the organization and increasing exploration and enhancement of the philosophy, but the original bases of both would never change. The differences between the two organizations will also be mirrored in the contrast between The Church of Satan and The Temple of Set. The former is a roller-coaster ride of alternately serious, philosophical, humorous, tragic, ironic, heroic, embarrassing, frightening, and startling personalities, concepts, and events. “If I hadn’t lived through it myself,” more than one old Satanist has remarked to me upon reading The Church of Satan, “I would have found it almost too bizarre to believe.” The Temple of Set will not be such a rollicking reading experience, though I daresay it will be a substantially more searching and informative one. Its purpose is first to explain what the Temple is and how it came into being, then to show how its many Initiates have all contributed to the strengthening and refinement of that vision over subsequent years.
Certainly it has not all been a smooth, steady, unified climb to the stars. Both senior and junior Setians have had their flaws and failings as well as their talents and strengths, and as a consequence the Temple has had its share of failures along with its successes. But without exception each difficulty has been honestly confronted as a learning experience; the result has consequently been an institution that much more substantial and resilient. An additional distinction between the two books is that while the former can indeed claim to embrace the entire history of the Church of Satan, this book could never hope to fulfill a similar goal with regard to the Temple of Set. The Church of Satan was a fairly simple, linear story, to which a relatively small number of individuals made specialized contributions over a brief period of time. The Temple of Set may be more likened to an explosion within the heads of a great many individuals of rich and diverse backgrounds, yielding a mix of ideas that would constantly be shared, reconsidered, and compounded. The extent of this corpus of knowledge is already staggering, and of course still continues its exponential growth throughout a variety of communications and records systems. Among these are the Jeweled Tablets of Set standing reference volumes; the archives and continuing issues of the Scroll of Set newsletter; the Temple’s Internet public website and private “Intranet”; the documents and periodicals of the Temple’s many Orders, Elements, and Pylons; Temple and specialized reading lists, international regional local conclave events, and the overwhelming amount of personal and interpersonal workings and dialogues involving individual Setians. When I undertook to write this Temple of Set, therefore, I knew immediately that its focus would need to be more a personal perspective, more an overview of what during the adventure of the Temple to date has seemed to me to be particularly notable: not just because of drama or colorfulness, but because it played some necessary or significant part in the unfolding of the adventure. It will, I think, also be my initiatory testament. As a comprehensive history, The Church of Satan can be read by anyone - Setian, Satanist, or profane - and be expected to reasonably communicate its story in proportion to the intelligence of each such reader. The Temple of Set presents a somewhat different problem. While I intend that this book be as direct and unambiguous as possible, Setian philosophy requires “initiatory consciousness” - not only an interest in the subject matter but both the intellectual and metaphysical capacity to comprehend it in its ultimate sense. Within the Temple, persons possessing such capacity are referred to as “Elect” and are deemed to have potential for
initiation. Those lacking it, best intentions notwithstanding, would find the initiatory experience bewildering, frustrating, and meaningless. Accordingly the Temple endeavors to not admit them, or to disaffiliate them as soon as possible if accidentally admitted. It is much the same with this book. There are aspects of it that may either enter your mind like flame or just leave you confused and annoyed. My pleasure in the former case;
my apologies in the latter. [Non]finally, The Temple of Set, like The Church of Satan for many years/editions, will be a “living book”, subject to any number of changes, additions, corrections, and updates as various knowledgeable readers comment upon it and/or I refine my own information and opinions. Check “” occasionally for updated drafts/editions. The Church of Satan was not made available as a printed/.pdf ebook until it was a completed project [which took several years]. I have decided to handle The Temple of Set a bit differently. It will be uploaded to my webpage in .pdf format in successive piecemeal drafts until the whole thing is finally there. Along the way I will probably be updating, correcting, and revising earlier parts as appropriate. Accordingly I welcome readers’ questions, suggestions, and comments - though I must plead in advance that I may not be able to answer each personally. I can promise that each will be carefully read, and if appropriate used to improve the next update
394 Pages
utorak, 25. svibnja 2010.
James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: vol. 5: Supplementary Bibliographies and Indices

203 Pages
James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: The Twentieth Through the Twenty-Sixth Dynasties, Vol. 4

540 Pages
James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: VOL. 3: THE NINETEENTH DYNASTY

309 Pages
James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: VOL. 2: THE EIGHTEENTH DYNASTY

459 Pages
James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: The First Through the Seventeenth Dynasties, Vol. 1
In 1906, Breasted, America's first noted Egyptologist, published this series in which he presents a history of the golden age of Egypt gleaned from its records, many of which he was the first scholar to be allowed to study. This edition, the first in paperback, offers a new introduction by historian Peter A. Piccione, who places Breasted's work in a modern context. A solid series for academic libraries and priced so that public libraries also can afford them.
369 Pages
369 Pages
Amber, K - Basics Of Magick
The ability to think seems to set us apart from
other creatures. And although we are concerned with
living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The
fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood,
we get depressed or elated -- all of it is thought. But
the universe is mental too, and if we could control our
thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday
38 Pages
other creatures. And although we are concerned with
living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The
fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood,
we get depressed or elated -- all of it is thought. But
the universe is mental too, and if we could control our
thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday
38 Pages
Ambelain Robert - Martinism History and Doctrine
In other works, appearing before or after the war, we have often presented esoteric doctrines, each different from the other.
Each time, we published them with impartiality and care for precision. We have even taken so much care, that we sometimes appear to be promoting these doctrines. Although to us these merited being ascribed very diverse labels, we were at the mercy of certain readers! And so, since the appearance of our book
on the symbolism of Cathedrals, we have been authoritatively linked to one of the most redoubtable satanic sects! Nobody seems to know the sect’s name and chiefs exactly, but it must be of the blackest magic. With our studies on Gnosis and the Ophites, we became fanatical Luciferans; however, critics did us the favor of not overburdening us with the epithet (however flattering) of Rose-Croix, despite the last chapter which explained their doctrine. Truly, our vanity has been agreeably gratified! Now we are publishing a study of Martinism. No doubt people will attribute to us the spiritual heritage of Martinez de Pasqually, not forgetting to enthusiastically describe the mystical ceremonies by which we try, in our perverse pride, to bring Evil powers under subjection to our empire, to evoke the celestial Intelligences and to converse with them, indeed in sacrilegious defiance, to attempt to summon, that which Martinez de Pasqually and his disciple Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin called “the Repairer”. The fanatical adversaries of occult secret societies will ascribe dark and shadowy intentions to us, and, for sure, will place us among the mysterious
cohort of the “Unknown Superiors”! They will ask us whence we have obtained our abundant documentation, and by what miracle we even know the facts and deeds of a multi-secular society, existing at a time when, vigorously proscribed and persecuted, its members had to increase both prudence and precaution. We reply to our ill-intentioned critics, to our declared and hidden adversaries, that all this adds little of value to this book. It is of little importance that we have had access to archives which have evaded them, that we have
been written about in such purposeful terms, or that we of right have had access to a realm where the doors have remained firmly closed to them. It concerns noone but us. We are bringing the public a work which we wish to be historical and to cover the doctrine. That is the only thing on which we put any value.
184 Pages
Each time, we published them with impartiality and care for precision. We have even taken so much care, that we sometimes appear to be promoting these doctrines. Although to us these merited being ascribed very diverse labels, we were at the mercy of certain readers! And so, since the appearance of our book
on the symbolism of Cathedrals, we have been authoritatively linked to one of the most redoubtable satanic sects! Nobody seems to know the sect’s name and chiefs exactly, but it must be of the blackest magic. With our studies on Gnosis and the Ophites, we became fanatical Luciferans; however, critics did us the favor of not overburdening us with the epithet (however flattering) of Rose-Croix, despite the last chapter which explained their doctrine. Truly, our vanity has been agreeably gratified! Now we are publishing a study of Martinism. No doubt people will attribute to us the spiritual heritage of Martinez de Pasqually, not forgetting to enthusiastically describe the mystical ceremonies by which we try, in our perverse pride, to bring Evil powers under subjection to our empire, to evoke the celestial Intelligences and to converse with them, indeed in sacrilegious defiance, to attempt to summon, that which Martinez de Pasqually and his disciple Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin called “the Repairer”. The fanatical adversaries of occult secret societies will ascribe dark and shadowy intentions to us, and, for sure, will place us among the mysterious
cohort of the “Unknown Superiors”! They will ask us whence we have obtained our abundant documentation, and by what miracle we even know the facts and deeds of a multi-secular society, existing at a time when, vigorously proscribed and persecuted, its members had to increase both prudence and precaution. We reply to our ill-intentioned critics, to our declared and hidden adversaries, that all this adds little of value to this book. It is of little importance that we have had access to archives which have evaded them, that we have
been written about in such purposeful terms, or that we of right have had access to a realm where the doors have remained firmly closed to them. It concerns noone but us. We are bringing the public a work which we wish to be historical and to cover the doctrine. That is the only thing on which we put any value.
184 Pages
Matthew Alper - The "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God

290 Pages
The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya - Eternity of Sound and the Science of Mantra

156 Pages
ponedjeljak, 24. svibnja 2010.
nedjelja, 23. svibnja 2010.
Christopher I. Lehrich - The Language of Demons and Angels: Cornelius Agrippa's Occult Philosophy
This is the first modern study of Agrippa’s occult philosophy as a coherent part of his intellectual work. By demonstrating his sophistication, it challenges traditional interpretations of Agrippa as an intellectual dilettante, and uses modern theory and philosophy to elucidate the intricacies of his thought. It also argues for a new, interdisciplinary approach to magic and its place within early modern culture, using a transhistorical conversational model to understand and interpret the texts.
The analysis walks the reader through the text of De occulta philosophia, Agrippa’s 1533 masterpiece, explicating the often hidden structure and argument of the work.
This volume will especially interest early modern intellectual historians, historians of religions, and scholars interested in the history of linguistic philosophy.
265 Pages
The analysis walks the reader through the text of De occulta philosophia, Agrippa’s 1533 masterpiece, explicating the often hidden structure and argument of the work.
This volume will especially interest early modern intellectual historians, historians of religions, and scholars interested in the history of linguistic philosophy.
265 Pages
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